Certifications & Associations
Certifications & Associations
Here you can find all of the certifications and associations that Miner Elastomer Products Corporation is apart of. MEPC® is a highly dedicated to providing innovative and quality products and believes in the following quality statement:
Miner Elastomer Products Corporation will be an efficient, continually improving producer of engineered and proprietary products that meet our customer’s requirements.
Miner Elastomer Product Corporation maintains quality system registration to ISO 9001:2015 through AudIT3, LLC Management Systems Certification Services.
This certification, as evidenced by internal and third-party audits, reaffirms MEPC’s commitment to the quality management principles of Customer Focus / Satisfaction, Process / System Approach Management, Continual Improvement, and Mutually Beneficial Customer-Supplier Relationships.
Miner Elastomer Products Corporation will be an efficient, continually improving producer of engineered and proprietary products that meet our customer’s requirements.